Come move with me this week at Mosaic Yoga:
Sun: 12pm Pilates-ish
Wed: 12pm Mobility and Movement
Wed: 5:45pm Barre
Class Descriptions
Mobility and Movement
The building blocks of any movement practice – yoga, cross-fit or just plain walking yourself from point A to point B – require the same amount of compassionate consideration as the fancier and more glamorous complex end results. In this practice, we’ll explore the functional movement patterns that make everything else possible. Suitable for all levels.
Much of our internal safety net, both physical and psychological, depends on a framework of strong, balanced core support. These classes riff off the conditioning template and principles developed by Joseph Pilates with modern, innovative flavour. Expect the unexpected! Suitable for all levels.
This is not your average barre class. Our instructors take their years of dance, yoga and movement training to create unique classes that encourage healthy range of movement and focus on some of the aspects of movement that aren’t always emphasized in yoga class (but are super helpful). Suitable for all levels.